The Beautiful People

Mom Behind the Camera

Dear readers,

My mom asked that I pen a brief update on her behalf.

Yesterday evening, while making her way around the house, my mom fell and hit her head. Her incredible caregivers, my dad and my sister, rushed her to the emergency room where she received 26 staples. After enduring a hard night, she awoke this morning feeling okay, but too groggy to write, so she called and asked that I do it for her so she “wouldn’t miss a day.”

During the same phone call, I told my mom about The Chairiot Project and she struggled to fight back tears. For those of you who may not be familiar, The Chairiot Project is an endeavor by her friend Chip to build a wheelchair that might traverse the rough terrain of Muskegon State Park, allowing my mom the pleasure of traveling her beloved trails even after she can no longer walk them herself. To help fund the cost of labor and materials, Chip set up an online campaign to raise $1,500 by October 21st. Incredibly, the campaign raised nearly twice that amount in less than 24 hours. “We have so many beautiful people in our lives” was all my mom could say on the matter.

Before I wrap up, I’d like to take a moment to say thank you. Thank you for reading my mom’s blog and for sending her emails and letters and text messages and for stopping by with food and flowers and cards and hugs. The love and support you’ve shown my mom, and our family, has filled our hearts to bursting. Truly, thank you.


(Rosemary’s son. This one.)

P.S. My mom will return to her regular posting schedule next week.

22 thoughts on “The Beautiful People

  1. So sorry for your fearful fall Rosemary, but so glad Mark & Kelly were there and that you are OK. Your sense of humor always wins out, waiting to see some pictures of the crash wrap. We hope to visit soon, love you lots!

  2. So sorry Rosemary and sending you thoughts and prayers. Remember when we were climbing the hill the other day and I said “I am able to help you up. But the downward way would be hazardous to us both.” Sorry I missed the fall with you girlfriend. But as I have said before I am always ready to go with you anywhere.

    So glad Mark and Kelly were able to be there for support people. 26 stitches is considered quite a gash! But you do not do things in a small way ever.

    I do not think an hour of each waking day goes by without thoughts and prayers for you. Love you and yours, Jeannie

  3. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your fall, Rosemary. Thank you Corey for writing for your Mom. So happy that Kelly is close by to help you with her nursing knowledge.

    Love, Marilyn and Ben Schramski

  4. Rosemary – I think about you and Mark all the time. Sorry to hear about your fall. Your blog is a true inspiration to everyone. All of you are in my prayers.

    Much Love,
    Mary (Sampson) Murray

  5. Prayers for a speedy recovery Rosemary! Just read about the chariot project, how heart warming!! someone posted “love grows where our Rosemary goes…” I think that song needs to be wired into the chariot! It takes me back to roller skating in the RP high school gym, do you remember doing that? Dick Nolan was always in charge, he handed out roller skates and blew the whistle to “wall” us if we went too fast- that song was popular then, along with :Tracy” and “Build me a Buttercup” Now I can’t think of the Rosemary song without thinking of you!

  6. So sorry about your tumble…thankful for your wonderful care-givers. You have 3 weeks to heal before The Party!! :) hugs to you my friend…

  7. Oh, gosh. It sounds like your mom has the best support network ever. I hope she recovers from the fall quickly!

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